Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Gooseberry and Elderflower

Gooseberries are ripening at the moment and the elderflower is in full bloom and smells amazing.  It has the most heady, sweet aroma.

Both compliment each other perfectly. 

Gooseberry and elderflower jam is just one of those combinations that work.

For every 500g of fruit you need the same weight in sugar.  Place the fruit and 150ml water with 5 elderflower heads in muslin in a heavy bottomed pan.  Simmer the fruit until tender but before it completely breaks down. Remove the elderflower.  Add the sugar gradually, stirring until it dissolves.  Bring up to a rolling boil.  Test for a set after 5 minutes.  Setting point is usually 105 deg C.  Use a jam thermometer or just place a small amount on a cold plate and leave to cool. Run your finger through it and if it wrinkles it has reached setting point.  Turn off the heat while you are testing.  Pour into sterilised jam jars and seal.

Gooseberry and elderflower jam on spelt and multiseed bread.

1 comment:

  1. I made this combination last year and it is just amazing! That burst of elderflower as you tuck in is just so summery!


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