Getting wet feet every day is no fun. My honourable old pair of
Aigle wellies had cracked and perished from too much time in the (sun) light in the shed. Sun in brackets because we seem to have had constant rain for months now.
Why did I not just go and buy a new pair? Because I still harbour a bit of old snobbery about labels and I couldn't bear to just get a serviceable rubber pair in the local Stores.
I looked at a pair of
Hunters on line, on eBay and in a hunting/shooting/fishing shop nearby and cringed at the price. I got a lecture from my son that they would be made in the same sweat shop in China where the serviceable pair in the Stores were. But I didn't care. I craved them.
I used to buy designer label jeans in
BTs (Brown Thomas) after all at €350 a pop. I loved bags and shoes and belts and coats. I loved all the designer horsey wear. But that was a previous life. That life is gone.
Now I just wanted wellies. I wanted to come back from feeding the pigs with dry feet. Yes feeding the pigs. Now my life involves feeding pigs, feeding chickens and ducks and dogs and a cat. And the surprising thing about all this is - my life is much better!
I get to bake and cook when the mood takes me. I can go for a walk when the rain stops. I can take a picture of snowdrops and a close up of a crocus. I get to write my blog. I eat better. I drink less. I have given up smoking.
But best of all, I finally got my wellies and they have given me a bigger thrill than any designer label bag or shoes.
The final straw having to wade through this twice a day! |
Hunter wellies Aigle wellies Irish country living Irish farming Designer labels