In hot weather this summer vegetable terrine makes a great lunch or even works as a main course.
It's really easy, tastes and looks great.
All that's needed is a selection of summer vegetables. I used aubergine, courgette, cherry tomatoes, basil pesto and a soft goats cheese.
1 aubergine
3 small courgettes
8 cherry tomatoes
half a goats cheese log
6-8 teaspoons of pesto
A few basil leaves
Salt and pepper
Olive oil to drizzle
Either serve with a green salad and crusty bread for lunch or with new potatoes, green beans and salad for dinner.
Wash and slice the aubergine and courgette lengthwise. Heat a griddle pan and brush with olive oil. Cook the strips of vegetables until just soft.
Set aside and cool.
Make some basil pesto . Recipe here (just substitute basil for oregano. Or buy a good quality one.
Get a loaf tin and line with cling film. Make sure it overlaps the tin.
Layer up your courgettes and aubergines with small pieces of goats cheese, drizzle with pesto, basil leaves and season.
You don't need to cook the cherry tomatoes. Just slice them.
When you have finished layering. Drizzle over the top with olive oil.
Cover over with the cling film. Weigh the terrine down with something heavy. I used tins and the cast iron pan on top.
When it's cool. Remove from the fridge and cut into wedges. This quantity serves four easily.
Tags: Summer food Summer terrine Aubergine recipe idea courgette recipe idea basil pesto goats cheese